Friday, February 26, 2010

Trish Eberlein Photography: the times they are a changin"

It was brought to my attention by my brother in law, Al, that I am 2 weeks behind in "52 weeks of images". Well, that was in January...which means I am WAY behind in posting!

I am NOT one for excuses...however, a lot has been happening since my last post: A LOT!...the times they are a changin'

To ring in the New Year I bought a new PC. Unfortunately it took two "duds" and much back and forth to Microcenter before I got the one I am using now. So, I am happily on my way with machine #3: a blazing fast piece of technology! Is there anything worse (doesn't matter if you ar a mac OR pc) than computer issues?

Okay, after ALL the computer forward to what has been happening.

My goal for early 2010 was to re-define my brand, which also means updating my logo, website and blog. Decided to tweak my logo for a more refined and chic look, something that says: Classic, stylish, simple and elegant. Here are two examples of the "new" logo:

Trish Eberlein Photography logo

Trish Eberlein Photography logo

I chose gray because it signifies intellect, knowledge, and wisdom. It is perceived as long-lasting, classic, and often as sleek or refined. I included a soft yellow as it shines with optimism, energy, enlightenment and happiness. Yellow sparks creative thoughts and promise of a positive future.

...kind of sums up a bit of who I am and my promise to clients!

Stay tuned to the re-designed website and blog...